
上肢, 臂的英文

  • upper limb
  • 上肢:    upper limb
  • :    arm
  • :    臂名词1.(胳膊; 从肩到腕的部分) arm 两臂 both arms; 左臂 the left arm; 右臂 the right arm; 助一臂之力 give sb. a hand2.(人体解剖学上多指上臂) upper arm
  • c-臂:    small c-arm
  • 臂,幅:    arm
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        上肢:    upper limb
        :    arm
        :    臂名词1.(胳膊; 从肩到腕的部分) arm 两臂 both arms; 左臂 the left arm; 右臂 the right arm; 助一臂之力 give sb. a hand2.(人体解剖学上多指上臂) upper arm
        c-臂:    small c-arm
        臂,幅:    arm
        臂,前肢:    arm
        悬臂;臂:    arm
        c臂x光机:    mobile surgical unit
        臂,横杆,幅:    arm
        臂-踝指数:    ankle-brachial index
        肢,臂,腿:    limb
        肢;臂;大树枝:    limb
        上肢长:    length of upper extremity
        上肢带:    cingulum membri superioris; extremity girdle; girdle of superior extremity; shoulder-girdle
        上肢骨:    arm bone; bone of upper extremity; bones of upper limb; ossa extremitatis superioris; ossa extrermitatis superioris; ossa membri superioris
        上肢肌:    muscle of upper limb; muscles of upper limb; musculi membri superioris
        上肢屈:    flexion of upper limb
        上肢瘫:    paralysis of the upper extremities; paralysis of upper extremities
        上肢穴:    points of the upper extremities
        上肢芽:    anterior limb bud; upper limb bud
        上肢柱:    columnae extremitatis superioris
        上肢疖:    furuncles at the uper limbs
        双上肢:    both upper extremities
        右上肢:    right upper extremity; rue
        左上肢:    left upper extremity; left upper limb


  1. "上支架"英文
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  8. "上肢半肢畸形"英文
  9. "上肢闭合性骨折"英文
  10. "上肢不等长"英文


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